‘Al-Murad Granite’: The Age Old Question

The first thing to consider is your current lifestyle and family situation: do you have small children or a large family, do you entertain often or is cooking a passion of yours. If the answers to any of these questions is yes then you are probably best investing in ‘Quartz’ worktops which will not stain or mark as easily as ‘Granite’ will, ‘Quartz’ is also a lot more heat resistant, nor will it crack or chip as easily as ‘Granite’ and it does not need any up keep which is fantastic if you are constantly running around after the kids.

On the other hand if you live a more laid back relaxed kind of life than ‘Granite’ worktops maybe more practical for you, it has a very varied price range which makes it much more economically friendly than ‘Quartz’, yes, ‘Granite’ can chip and crack with age but the upkeep and sealing are easy to do and every six months you get to restore your kitchen back to its former glory. Because it is made from natural materials bacterial contamination is no longer a problem.


Besides the more practical differences between ‘Granite’ and ‘Quartz’ worktops there are also aesthetic ones. ‘Quartz’ is very well balanced therefore there is very little difference in colour between individual pieces. On the other hand ‘Granite’ is an all natural material which means no two pieces are the same, they can vary in colour and design. Generally ‘Quartz’ has a more modern feel to it; it can support very bold, bright colours and often comes with a gloss finish. However ‘Granite’ being a natural material has a more traditional look and feel to it and more often than not it comes in very natural, earthy tones.

‘Al-Murad Granite’ provides a wide variety of traditional ‘Granite’ worktops available in ‘Steel Grey’ which has a beautifully unusual pearlescent finish, ‘Star Galaxy’ which is black speckled with tiny sliver ascents and ‘Kashmir White’ which is as stunning as it sounds. They also have many different ‘Quartz’ worktops to offer such as, ‘Passion’ which is a striking deep pink colour, ‘Venecia’ which is a cream shade with dashes of many different colours incorporated throughout it and ‘Moka’ which is more natural sandy, stone shade. These are only a few examples of the high quality ‘Granite’ and ‘Quartz’ worktops that ‘Al-Murad Granite’ has to offer.

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